Bunker Secrets (for school groups)

Bunker-42 has developed a special program “Secret Bunker” for school groups aged 8 to 12 years. The tour was created taking into account the recommendations of the Moscow Department of Education and combines not only a classic tour, but also the active involvement of schoolchildren.

As part of the school tour, young participants:

  • they will plunge into the period of nuclear confrontation between the USSR and the USA;
  • they will learn about the protective properties of the bunker and what threats humanity once had to face;
  • they will receive tasks: riddles, questions on logic and attentiveness;
  • They will participate in two special effects: an imitation of the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile and a combat alert;

And in conclusion, the guide will ask the most important question “Why is the Bunker called 42?”. The guys who answered correctly will receive a special prize.

Duration of the tour: 1:10
The descent to the museum and ascent to the surface is carried out by stairs.
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